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2024 Student Team Resources

We made it!

May 16, 2024

RUSH 2024! BUILD: Never shaken, Forever Secure. We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this week! In the following pages, you will find a 7-week devotional guide that will help to prepare your hearts for the week of Rush. Please read each devo carefully as they were specifically written for you as a student leader. You can read this guide in one sitting or over a span of a few weeks, whatever is best for you. Our only request is that you use this guide with diligence and prayerful consideration in preparation for this incredible conference.

My prayer for you as you read these devos is that you will remember what we are here for. It is easy to get caught up in all the details, but I encourage you to seek the things that are above. Spend this time preparing your heart to be a vessel for the Lord to use. Everything that happens this week is because of the Lord and His great work within us. We are here to point people to Jesus and demonstrate His love.

Thank you for everything you have done and will do for this conference. Rush could not happen without the hard work of all of our student leaders. Let’s lean on the Lord as our strength this summer!!