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2024 Student Team Resources

Week 1: Trusting the Lord

Apr 5, 2024


Take a moment and be still. Pray as the Lord would lead you: praise Him, confess your sin to Him, thank Him for the grace you have received, and ask of Him according to His will and your desires! Pray that as you read from His word, that the Lord would make His truth clear to you to align your heart with His.

Prayer is a very important part of this time, spending time with the Lord is more than just reading His book: it is a conversation!


Isaiah 55:8-9, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” declared the Lord. “For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”


Trusting the Lord is a key component of the Christian faith, and it is essential to our relationship with Christ. My questions to you as you think and read over this text is this: Do you trust Him? I don’t mean, “Do you think God probably has your best interest in mind,” I mean, do you really trust Him?

This passage teaches us two key truths about God & His character:

  1. God does not think like us; He thinks far above our thinking capacity.
  2. God does not behave like us; His ways are far higher than ours are.

These truths can be frustrating to us, especially when we are in a time of doubting or suffering. It can seem like God does not understand our circumstances, our sufferings, and cannot answer our questions. The truth we learn from this passage is very good news! God is perfect by nature, and that means His thoughts and actions are perfect also. God knows every circumstance and understands every hurt and pain, but it is important to remember that God’s solutions will not be the same as ours. This is good news again, because His solutions are far better than ours are.



  1. As you enter Rush season, what would it look like for you to trust God as you lead fellow students?
  2. What are some areas in your life where you have become frustrated with God because you feel like He does not understand?
  3. What does it mean that God does understand, because He must understand?