Every year it takes the help of over 150 adult volunteers to put on Rush. Our students do so much, but we can’t do it without the help of volunteers like you!
All volunteers MUST be at least 19 years old and have an updated (within the last 5 years) background check and complete the Ministry Safe Sexual Abuse Awareness training.
We will notify you of any steps needed to complete for our Ministry Safe training and Background Check process.
check out the numerous ways you can get involved
Night Chaperone
Staying overnight with Middle School or High School students at a nearby hotel serving as an adult chaperone.
Missions Day Chaperone
Chaperone Middle School or High School students on their missions site activity. You will ride the bus to and from the mission site and participate in the mission activity, if needed.
Host Team
Assist Perimeter Staff by acting as hall monitor when students are in building.
Overnight Security
Act as Security onsite at Perimeter’s hotel.
Missions Drivers
Drive 2-3 student leaders to their mission site.
Fun Day Chaperone
Chaperone while students have a free day.
Dinner Servers
Help serve dinner to Rush students.
Help serve lunch to Rush students.
Merchandise Table Cashier
Sell merchandise and collect money. We are looking for 2 people who can commit to the entire week.
check out the numerous ways you can get involved
Night Chaperone
Staying overnight with Middle School or High School students at a nearby hotel serving as an adult chaperone.
Missions Day Chaperone
Chaperone Middle School or High School students on their missions site activity. You will ride the bus to and from the mission site and participate in the mission activity, if needed.
Host Team
Assist Perimeter Staff by acting as hall monitor when students are in building.
Overnight Security
Act as Security onsite at Perimeter’s hotel.
Missions Drivers
Drive 2-3 student leaders to their mission site.
Fun Day Chaperone
Chaperone while students have a free day.
Dinner Servers
Help serve dinner to Rush students.
lunch Servers
Help serve lunch to Rush students.
Merchandise Table Cashier
Sell merchandise and collect money. We are looking for 2 people who can commit to the entire week.
Ready to commit to serving with us this summer?
After you’ve registered, we will be in contact with you by July 4 to confirm your participation.
Questions? Contact Mia Fry.
Questions about volunteers? Read the FAQ